Publish With Libri NTL Institute Books Path To Fame Books Child's Eye Books Alexander Books As Memories Fade About Us
Libri is a publishing company committed to providing innovative, high quality, challenging publications for readers and a highly responsive publishing service for authors and client organisations. Libri was established in February 2009 by a team of colleagues who had worked together for a dozen years in professional and academic publishing, knowledge transfer and the management and delivery of blended learning projects. Between them, Libri's senior management team have over fifty years' senior management experience, in media organisations, higher education and consultancy. Their extensive expertise includes authorship, design, editing, printing and publishing, IT and e-learning pedagogy, and the design and provision of continuing professional development programmes. Libri supports its core expertise with a broadly-based supply chain of long-established and highly skilled sub-contractors. Libri's offer is: for authors: support, speed, skill and service for readers: creativity, challenge and controversy for client firms and institutions: profile, professionalism and practicality The aim of Libri Books is to be the imprint of choice for authors and readers addressing issues in professional and organisational development and management. Libri Books are written primarily for members of ‘communities of practice’ which include professionals, consultants and trainers, as well as researchers and academics. We are interested in publishing multi-authored books and in publishing titles which can be supported with conferences, workshops, masterclasses and similar forms of continuing professional development activity. Titles published in Green Frigate aim to explore the horizons of the natural and built environments, and the relations of humans within them. This imprint also deals with ‘Design, Interiors and Architecture’, and should be of particular interest for members of ‘communities of practice’ in the natural and built environments. The Redshank imprint hosts both fiction and non-fiction titles. It works like an independent book shop carrying interesting titles in a range of genres including popular culture and social history. The one common theme throughout Redshank is that the books are special – quirky if you like – taking a fresh view on the world and dealing with subjects not dealt with elsewhere. Most recently, we have launched Child’s Eye. Child's Eye focuses on children’s stories from a different perspective. Scary, cruel, or just downright funny, Child’s Eye stories invite the discerning reader to step into the weird and sometimes disconcerting world of a child’s imaginings. Libri Publishing gratefully acknowledges support from the Arts Council of England's Creative Industries project.