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The aim of Libri Books is to be the imprint of choice for authors and readers addressing issues in professional/organisational development and management. Specific categories include: ‘The Business of Higher Education’, ‘Health Policy and Medical Training’ and ‘Management Policy and Strategy’. Libri Books are written primarily for members of ‘communities of practice’ which include professionals, consultants and trainers, as well as researchers and academics.

Remaking Memory

Remaking Memory

Release Date:
Pages: 252
Published: 2015
ISBN: 9781909818590
Price £24.95

Remaking Memory

When research is so connected to personal interest, experience, and familiarity that objectivity becomes a moveable feast, the line between documentation and invention blurs to near-invisibility. John Freeman asks what it means to locate oneself into research findings and narrative reports, and what happens when one's self goes further and becomes the research.

Subjecting received truths to a series of hard questions, readers are taken on a journey through self-performance;traumatic memoir; the lure of weasel words; emotional evocation; the vagaries of memory; creative nonfiction; cultural appropriation; illusion masquerading as truth and the complex ethics of university research.

Case studies from international autoethnographers run through the book and appendices provide invaluable advice to university researchers and supervisors. The result is a work that sheds new light on forms of narrative research that connect writers’ personal stories to the participatory cultures under investigation.

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