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Outstanding Operations Directors: 31 Case Studies Showcasing Excellence

Outstanding Operations Directors: 31 Case Studies Showcasing Excellence

Chris Edger
Release Date: 19/07/2021
Pages: 220
Published: 2021
ISBN: 978-1-911450-76-4
Price £15.00

Outstanding Operations Directors: 31 Case Studies Showcasing Excellence

Are you an ambitious Area Manager who wants to get to Operations Director (OD) level? Are you an existing OD who wants to out-perform your competitive set? Are you a recruiter or developer of ODs who wants to accelerate their impact or performance? If so, this book – the first of its kind on this role – is a must-read book for you! Why? Firstly, it is packed with 31 Case Studies from twenty-seven CEOs, MDs and ODs from some of the UK’s leading multi-site hospitality companies (including Stonegate Group, McDonalds, Caffé Nero, Mitchells and Butlers, Punch Pubs & Co, Greene King, Everards, St Austell, Whitbread, Parkdean Resorts, TGI Friday’s, Marston’s, Creams Cafés, Tesco Cafés, Hawthorn Leisure etc.) which will give you valuable insights into what the best ODs do! Secondly, it highlights the top nine OD competencies, coupled with twenty-seven practices, which – if mastered – turbocharge OD impact. Thirdly, it provides aspiring ODs and their developers with an integrated ‘Outstanding OD Model’ and framework (explained in detail throughout the book) which can be used as a developmental route map. Written to take account of the changes wrought upon the hospitality sector by COVID-19, it is described by Simon Longbottom (CEO, Stonegate Group) as ‘a brilliant handbook and guide for ODs wishing to accelerate their impact and progression during these challenging times’. 

About the author

Professor Chris Edger PhD, MBA, MSc (econ), FCIPD, FHEA is a university leadership academic and the owner of the Multi-Unit Leader Company, a consultancy specialising in advanced multi-site leader coaching.  Previously, in a commercial career spanning over twenty years, Chris held Executive Director positions leading Operations, Commercial, Sales and HR functions in UK- and internationally owned blue chip leisure organisations. A shortlisted author of thirteen books on branded and franchised multi-site leadership and coaching (with books available in 836 university libraries worldwide as at April 2021), he is also the inventor of a number of leadership and coaching models and analytics.


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