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The aim of Libri Books is to be the imprint of choice for authors and readers addressing issues in professional/organisational development and management. Specific categories include: ‘The Business of Higher Education’, ‘Health Policy and Medical Training’ and ‘Management Policy and Strategy’. Libri Books are written primarily for members of ‘communities of practice’ which include professionals, consultants and trainers, as well as researchers and academics.

Inclusive Higher Education

Inclusive Higher Education

Release Date:
Pages: 196
Published: 2013
ISBN: 9781907471728
Price £25.00

Inclusive Higher Education

As the numbers of people globally who take part in higher education
increases, how can nations and individual HE institutions ensure that this
opportunity is open and available to all who are able to benefit? How can
institutions best manage the diversity of their student body to the benefit
of all students? What does higher education mean to the most
disadvantaged in society? And how can both the content and mode of
higher education pedagogy ensure that all possible learners can take part?
This edited collection takes an international overview of these questions,
addressing issues that are usually only tackled at the national or local level.
It explores the inter-connectedness of recent trends in higher education –
widening access, internationalisation, equality and diversity and inclusive
curriculum. Moreover it offers and evaluates examples of practice from
around the world that have, in different ways, attempted to provide
solutions to these issues.

The book is relevaqt to an international higher education
audience including senior managers; policy makers; academics and
academic development professionals; access, equality and diversity
professionals; student affairs directors and anyone else with an interest in
the relationship between higher education and social inclusion.

About the Editors

Kath Bridger is an educational consultant who has previously worked as
the Director of Access and Widening Participation at the University of
Bradford and Regional Manager for Aimhigher in Yorkshire and Humber.
She has worked extensively as a consultant across the public, private and
voluntary sectors supporting organisations to develop inclusive policy and
business practice.

Professor Ivan Reid is Visiting Professor at York St John University, Emeritus
Professor of Education at Loughborough University and Honorary Visiting
Professor of the Sociology of Education, in the School of Lifelong Education
and Training, at Bradford University. He served twice as Vice Chair of the
Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers and was Vice President of
the International Council on the Education of Teachers.

Jenny Shaw is the Head of Higher Education Engagement for the UNITE
Group, a trustee of the UNITE Foundation and an Associate Director of BSV

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