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Wayne Lèal’s Meta-Age - Midlife Extension, Not Old Age

Wayne Lèal’s Meta-Age - Midlife Extension, Not Old Age

Wayne Lèal
Release Date: 30/03/2023
Pages: 120
Published: 2023
ISBN: 978-1-912969-41-8
Price £12.00

Wayne Lèal’s Meta-Age - Midlife Extension, Not Old Age

Meta-Age is the final book in a trilogy covering Wayne Lèal’s midlife journey. The first book, 20-21, is about developing the discipline to make exercise an intrinsic behaviour such as brushing your teeth. The second, Lone Wolf, introduces the concept of becoming a ‘Super-Ager’ – one who is biologically younger than their chronological age.

The third book, Meta-Age, marks Wayne’s midlife transition and the creation of a new life stage – ‘Meta-Age: a midlife extension, not old age’. All health and fitness roads lead to Meta-Age, that is, self-awareness of physical, mental, and social expectations beyond midlife.

The desire to defy age is as ancient as human history. We cannot stop the natural intrinsic ageing process, but by taking some preventive actions, we can influence some factors of that process. The Meta-Age philosophy focuses on an extension of midlife, with a short old age, to write a new narrative of ageing as it could – and should – be.

About the Author: Wayne Lèal has trained world champion athletes, captains of industry, and has been an influential guest speaker at many of the world’s top spas. He might look like someone in his early thirties, but he is a sixty-five-year-old grandfather who destroys age stereotypes by practising what he preaches.  He has at some time or another injured virtually every major joint in his body and has a very real and intense passion for what he does – guiding people in addressing health and fitness issues and moving forward with their lives. His training methodology has been featured in The Times, The Telegraph, Standard, Metro, and Sun newspapers and on the BBC news and Sky television.

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