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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Illustrated Guide for Medical Students and Allied Healthcare Professionals

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Illustrated Guide for Medical Students and Allied Healthcare Professionals

Robert Isaac, Arpan S. Tahim, Karl F.B. Payne, Alexander M.C. Goodson, Peter A. Brennan
Release Date: 26/08/2022
Pages: 154
Published: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-911450-86-3
Price £15.00

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Illustrated Guide for Medical Students and Allied Healthcare Professionals

About the book: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Illustrated Guide for Medical Students and Allied Healthcare Professionals is the definitive and only resource specifically for undergraduate medical students, brought to you by an author team of both trainees and consultants on behalf of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS).  This book revolves around key anatomical regions and uses a unique “fireside chat” approach that makes easy reading.  It simplifies and demystifies basic aspects of oral and maxillofacial, and head and neck surgery, by covering the basics of clinical examination of the face and mouth as well as managing pathology of the skull, facial skeleton and paranasal sinuses, jaws, mouth, salivary glands, neck and facial skin.  It is highly relevant to all medical undergraduates but especially those who would like to simply ask the question, “What exactly is oral and maxillofacial surgery” and “Is this a potential career for me?”.   In addition to prime educational content that is practically relevant to the undergraduate medical curriculum, the reader will gain a clearer insight into the career pathway in the UK, the unbelievable breadth of the specialty and the myriad opportunities that it can provide.

About the authors: Robert Isaac BDS (Hons), MBBCH (Hons), MRCS is a specialist registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) in the Wessex Deanery. He is an elected member of the BAHNO council and has a particular interest in medical education. Alexander M.C. Goodson BSc (Hons), MBBS, BDS, FRCS (OMFS), DOHNS works as a consultant maxillofacial surgeon at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth and is an elected fellow on the BAOMS council. Karl F.B. Payne BMedSci, BMBS, BDS, MRCS, PhD is a Specialist Registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) in the West Midlands Deanery, and NIHR Clinical Lecturer at the University of Birmingham. Arpan S. Tahim MBBS, BSc (Hons), BDS, MRCS, MEd, PhD is a Specialist Registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) in the London Deanery, and an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at UCL Medical School. Peter A. Brennan MB BS, BDS, MD, PhD, FRCS (Eng), FRCSI, Hon FRCS, FFST (Ed), FDSRCS is an NHS Consultant with a personal chair in Surgery in recognition of his extensive research and education profile. He was elected to the Royal College of Surgeons of England Council in 2020 via the general voting route, a first for OMFS.

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