Becoming an ICF Credentialed Coach - Webinars and eBook

Becoming an ICF Credentialed Coach - Webinars and eBook

Release Date: 15/08/2024
Pages: Webinars and eBook
Published: 2024
Price £60.00

Becoming an ICF Credentialed Coach - Webinars and eBook

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*** Buy the series of Webinars and the online eBook together ... for £60 ! ***
Recordings and English and Spanish transcripts of the Webinar series will also be made available.


From 16 September onwards you can also purchase the Webinar Series alone for £42.
... if you decide to separately buy the book through Amazon, etc.
Recordings and English and Spanish transcripts of the Webinar series will also be made available.

Click here to buy the Webinar-only Series


We are delighted to announce the launch of Becoming an ICF Credentialed Coach: The Journey to ACC, PCC and MCC.

With the editor and author team we are able to offer you an exclusive offer.

You can buy both the online eBook and unique access to the authors via a one off webinar series of 21 shows. The Series will be hosted by the editors, Professor Jonathan Passmore and Judit Abri von Bartheld, who are joined each week by chapter authors. Each weekly webinar will unpack an ICF competency and help you to understand the BARS and Markers, as well as offering unique insights from ICF Assessors as to what they look for in the coach assessment process. Each session is design to help you improve your coaching practice.

The Series is the perfect accompaniment to the online eBook.
If you are preparing for, or planning to apply for your ICF ACC, PCC or MCC during the coming year, this in depth exploration will help you to enhance your coaching skills and demonstrate the coach competencies at ACC, PCC or MCC levels.
The webinar series plus the online eBook is available as a total package price of £60 (including taxes).
The webinar series consists of 21 webinars running from September to December, with time zones to suit both North America and Europe / Africa and the Middle East, and with different speakers and content at each event.
During these live sessions you will also have an opportunity to interact with the hosts and speakers, ask questions and share your experiences.
You will be sent the webinar access codes before each session. The full list of sessions, times and speakers is listed below.
The organisers retain the right to change the program should circumstances dictate.

To buy the online-only eBook and access to this unique one-off live series of webinars click the Add to Basket above.
a link to the online eBook will be sent to you within 12-15 hours;
Zoom links to the Webinars* will be sent at the latest 24 hours before the Sessions.
* Note that the Webinars are being provided by the Authors, and NOT Libri Publishing.

If you want to buy the paperback book, when available:
      Buy the paperback from 16th September
If you prefer a Kindle version of the book:
      To buy the Kindle edition from Amazon UK click here
      To buy the Kindle edition from Amazon US click here

The Book Contents
This new title is the first time the ICF Markers and BARS have been published and are available with insights and explanations from ICF Assessors.
Due to global delivery, the book is only currently available as an online eBook.

Section 1: ICF BARS and Markers
Section 1 Introduction
Chapter 1: An Assessor’s Perspective on the ICF BARS
    – Francine Campone
Chapter 2: An Assessor’s Perspective on the ICF PCC Markers
    – Giuseppe Totino and Ann Fogolin

Section 2: ICF Competencies
Section 2 Introduction
Chapter 3: Exploring Competency 1: Demonstrates Ethical Practice
    – Frances Penafort, Anita Gupta, João Luiz Pasqual and Jonathan Passmore
    – with contributions from Svea van der Hoorn, Sandra L. Stewart and Lola Chetti
Chapter 4: Exploring Competency 2: Embodies a Coaching Mindset
    – Peter J. Reding, Peter Hayward and Eileen Laskar
Chapter 5: Exploring Competency 3: Establishes and Maintains Agreements
    – Judit Ábri von Bartheld, Karen Burke and Kaveh Mir
    – with contributions from Fran Fisher
Chapter 6: Exploring Competency 4: Cultivates Trust and Safety
    – Chérie Carter-Scott and Michael Pomije
Chapter 7: Exploring Competency 5: Maintains Presence
    – Svea van der Hoorn and Cindy Muthukarapan
    – with contributions from Philippe R. Declercq
Chapter 8: Exploring Competency 6: Listens Actively
    – Tracy Tresidder, Osama Al-Mosa and Johan van Bavel
Chapter 9: Exploring Competency 7: Evokes Awareness
    – Karen Foy, Leda Turai, Elena Espinal and Ram S. Ramanathan
Chapter 10: Exploring Competency 8: Facilitates Client Growth
    – Meryl Moritz, Dalia Nakar and Keiko Hirano

Section 3 Masterful Insights
Section 3 Introduction
Chapter 11: Reflective Practice
    – Jonathan Passmore
Chapter 12: Dare to be LAZY
    – Judit Ábri von Bartheld
Chapter 13: Questions at the Heart of Coaching
    – Elena Espinal
Chapter 14: Pause Gives More Time than it Takes
    – Janet Harvey
Chapter 15: Walking Home to Self
    – Karen Foy
Chapter 16: Learning for Transcripts and Recordings
    – Carly Anderson
Chapter 17: Trust and Safety
    – Michael Pomije
Chapter 18: The Trap of the “Knower”
    – Michael Stratford
Chapter 19: The Polarity between the Science and Art
    – Osama Al-Mosa
Chapter 20: Make Your Coaching Client Do the Work!
    – Peter J. Reding

The Webinar Schedule : 18 September 2024 - 4th December 2024
For full and up to date details of the Webinar series please go to: ...
... or download the latest program details here.
Introduction to the Series
18th September 2024
Session 1 Prof. Dr. Philippe Rosinski, MCC (Belgium) 
    – First MCC in Europe
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC (Hungary)
12:00 UK (BST)
13:00 CET
07:00 ET
Session 2 Teri-E Belf, MCC (US) – First Global MCC
Cathy Liska, MCC (US)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC (Hungary)
17:00 UK (BST)
18:00 CET
12:00 ET
Demonstrates Ethical Practice
25th September 2024
Session 1 Dr. Frances Penafort, MCC (Malaysia)
Anita Gupta, MCC (India)
Prof. Jonathan Passmore
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
13:00 UK (BST)
14:00 CET
08:00 ET
Session 2 Joao Luiz Pasqual, MCC (Brazil)
Lola Chetti, MCC (Mauritius/France)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
17:00 UK (BST)
18:00 CET
12:00 ET
Embodies a Coaching Mindset
2nd October 2024
Session 1 Ann Fogolin, MCC (Canada)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC     
12:00 UK (BST)
13:00 CET
07:00 ET
Session 2 Peter J. Reding, MCC (US)
Joanna Davis, MCC (US)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
17:00 UK (BST)
18:00 CET
12:00 ET
Establishes and Maintains Agreements
9th October 2024
Session 1 Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC ACTC
Kaveh Mir, MCC (Iran - UK)
Lola Chetti, MCC (Mauritius/France)
12:00 UK (BST)
13:00 CET
07:00 ET
Session 2 Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC    
Karen Burke, MCC (US)
Fran Fisher, MCC (US)
17:00 UK (BST)
18:00 CET
12:00 ET
Cultivates Trust and Safety
16th October 2024
Session 1 Chérie Carter-Scott, Ph.D., MCC (Thailand/US)
Michael Pomije, MCC (Thailand/US)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
08:00 UK (BST)
09:00 CET
03:00 ET
Session 2 Chérie Carter-Scott, Ph.D., MCC (Thailand/US)
Michael Pomije, MCC (Thailand/US)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
16:00 UK (BST)
17:00 CET
11:00 ET
Maintains Presence
23rd October 2024
Session 1 Svea van der Hoorn, MCC (South Africa)
Cindy Muthukarapan, MCC, ACTC (South Africa)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
12:00 UK (BST)
13:00 CET
07:00 ET
Session 2 Svea van der Hoorn, MCC (South Africa)
Cindy Muthukarapan, MCC, ACTC (South Africa)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
17:00 UK (BST)
18:00 CET
12:00 ET
Evokes Awareness
30th October 2024
Session 1 Ram S Ramanathan, MCC (India)
Eileen Laskar, MCC (Kenya)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
12:00 UK (GMT)
13:00 CET
08:00 ET
Session 2 Elena Espinal, MCC (Mexico)        
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
17:00 UK (GMT)
18:00 CET
13:00 ET
Listens Actively
6th November 2024
Session 1 Tracy Tresidder, MCC (Australia)
Peter C. Hayward, MCC (Germany)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
09:00 UK (GMT)
10:00 CET
04:00 ET
Session 2 Osama Al-Mosa, MCC, ACTC, ICTA (Jordan)
Johan van Bavel, MCC, ACTC (the Netherlands)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
17:00 UK (GMT)
18:00 CET
12:00 ET
Facilitates Client Growth
13th November 2024
Session 1 Keiko Hirano, MCC (Japan)        
Dalia Nakar, MCC (Israel)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
08:00 UK (GMT)
09:00 CET
03:00 ET
Session 2 Meryl Moritz, MCC (US)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
17:00 UK (BST)
18:00 CET
12:00 ET
The Role of Mentoring
20th November 2024
Session 1 Dr. Damian Goldvarg MCC, ACTC, ESIA (Argentina/US)
Carly Anderson, MCC (US)
Prof. Jonathan Passmore
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
15:00 UK (GMT)
16:00 CET
10:00 ET
MCC BARS & PCC Markers
27th November 2024
Session 1 Giuseppe Totino, MCC (Italy/US)
Ann Fogolin, MCC (Canada)
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC  
15:00 UK (GMT)
16:00 CET
10:00 ET
The Human Coach & the Threat of AI
4th December 2024
Session 1 Prof. Jonathan Passmore
Judit Ábri von Bartheld, MCC, ACTC
Léda Turai, MCC, ACTC (Estonia)   
15:00 UK (GMT)
16:00 CET
10:00 ET




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