Agricultural Urbanism

Agricultural Urbanism

Janine de la Salle & Mark Holland
Release Date:
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780981243429
Price £15.65

Agricultural Urbanism

Awareness of the significant challenges our food supply system faces in the 21st century is growing rapidly. Agricultural Urbanism, rooted in a sustainable food systems approach and written by leaders in the planning and design fields, outlines a powerful strategy for understanding and taking action on the full-scope of sustainable food system opportunities in cities and how we can build them. The book takes sustainable food systems far beyond the community garden and the buying of local food, into strategies for supporting local food processing, wholesale and marketing, education and training programs, as well as celebrating and creating a culture around food, at the same time as ensuring access to healthy food for all. The concept of agricultural urbanism has been declared as the next big movement for New Urbanism in the 21st century as we all grapple with how to make our cities not only more sustainable, but also great places in which to live. This book outlines key strategies to create amazingly magnetic agriculture and food precincts that are unique and special community places where food can be celebrated year-round.

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