Exploring New Frontiers: Navigating the Evolving Digital Landscape

Exploring New Frontiers: Navigating the Evolving Digital Landscape

Derek Osborn
Release Date: 20/08/2021
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781911450771
Price £42.00

Exploring New Frontiers: Navigating the Evolving Digital Landscape

Exploring New Frontiers, Navigating the Evolving Digital Landscape is about how the postal, parcel and logistics industry, as a business ecosystem, is evolving in response to the many challenges and opportunities it faces. Entering the 2020s the world is facing many global challenges. Some are unexpected and unplanned, such as the coronavirus pandemic, others like climate change and environmental sustainability are not new or unexpected but are increasingly becoming recognised more clearly and the need for collective global action felt more acutely.

Against this backdrop, huge technological advances have continued apace, fuelling the digital revolution so that most people are ‘always online’, along with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, autonomous solutions, and many other new technological explorations.  This digital revolution has accelerated again because of the various measures imposed to combat the global pandemic. 

One strong outcome of the pandemic has been to reinforce the value of the postal sector as an essential service provider, widely valued and appreciated for being able to maintain delivery services for letters and many more parcels – at continuous peak levels – as well as essential medical, vaccine and pharmaceutical supplies, financial services, groceries, and social care.

Industry thought leaders from around the world give their accounts of what is happening on different ‘frontiers’ of this vast global sector, sharing their insights, ideas and experiences. The book is designed for readers to dip into topics they are interested in and then use the questions raised to stimulate further thought and discussion. The book is divided into main sections reflecting three broad categories: Exploring New Directions and Evolving Technologies; Navigating the New Digital Landscape and Exploring New Frontiers of Business Sustainability

About the Editor

Derek Osborn is an enthusiastic, innovative and inspiring business coach, speaker, management trainer, forum organiser and workshop facilitator. Through his company, Whatnext4u, he works all over the world, especially in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Pacific – focusing on postal business strategy, investing in people (human resources), innovation and fresh thinking, developing future leaders, stakeholder engagement, and supporting those who are leading change – all with the main objective of ensuring a more sustainable future for everyone.

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