On-Call in Urology

On-Call in Urology

Andrew Chetwood, Hamid Abboudi and Charlotte Dunford
Release Date: 22/07/2022
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9781911450658
Price £19.99

On-Call in Urology

On Call in Urology is aimed at junior trainees working in urology. The book is written as a ‘survival guide’ detailing common presentations from primary care and the emergency department. It covers initial and further management of these cases and simple surgical procedures. The practical advice, photographs, and illustrations, as well as detailed procedural tips make this an ideal accompaniment to any junior doctor managing urology patients in emergency, ward and clinic settings.

What’s inside:

  • Essentials: Referrals, admissions, anatomy, radiology, drugs and instruments.
  • Emergency department: Renal colic, UTIs, catheterisation, trauma, pregnancy, paediatrics and more.
  • Ward: From the round to prescribing, catheters, irrigation, evaluating an acutely unwell patient and post-operative problems.
  • Clinic: Follow-ups, swellings, haematuria, raised PSA and other male UT symptoms.
  • Operating theatre: An introduction to getting set up in theatre and consent.
  • Practical procedures: Cannulation, cultures, gases, dipsticks, catheterisation and paraphimosis reduction.

About the authors: Mr Andrew Chetwood, BMedSci (Hons), MBChB (Hons), FRCS (Urol), is a consultant urologist at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust. He has a wide-ranging general urological practice with a special interest in reconstructive urology. Mr Hamid Abboudi, BSc, MBBS, PG CERT HBE, FRCS (Urol), is a urology consultant at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust specialising in endourology. He has a particular interest in the medical and surgical management of patients with kidney stones and benign prostate diseases. Miss Charlotte Dunford, MBBS, BSc (Hons), FRCS (Urol), is a consultant urologist at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust. She has a sub-specialist interest in adolescent, functional and reconstructive urology.

Series editors:

Mr Karl F.B. Payne, BMedSci (Hons), BMBS, BDS, MRCS, PhD

Mr Arpan S. Tahim, BSc (Hons), MBBS, BDS, MRCS, MEd, PhD

Mr Alexander M.C. Goodson, BSc (Hons), FRCS (OMFS), DOHNS



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