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The Redshank Books imprint will carry titles in ‘Popular culture and current affairs’ which are intended for a generalist lay readership. The imprint will also be used for the output of specific publishing projects in which Libri Publishing Limited is engaged.
Since Along the Way was published in 2014, the number of pilgrims traversing the Camino Francés has continued to increase substantially. A friend of the author’s, a long-distance walker who is a former chair of the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome and the author of two engaging pilgrimage books, tells of a walk he undertook several years ago in Spain, wherein he had to wait until the westerly flow of pilgrim traffic for Compostela had cleared before he could cross the intersection and proceed northward on his own, non-Camino, route.
Along the Way, seven years on, continues to be the most comprehensive book published for a lay audience about the popular culture of the Camino. By including over a hundred photographs, the book remains one of the most detailed illustrated records in an inexpensive, non-coffee-table format. This Revised Edition does not alter the original book but is based on providing additional material presented on two new websites that have been specifically created. Covers of dozens of books and CDs that comprise the catholic scholarship in Along the Way are now presented in the overview website www.bestcaminobook.com. A second, book-enhanced website alongtheway.libripublishing.co.uk contains new colour photographs and, in response to queries received from readers, a new rank-assessment of the novels written about the Camino. And so, with respect to your own continued parallel journeys of both paces and pages…Ultreia!
About the author: Robert France is a leading authority on watershed management and environmental restoration who has published hundreds of technical articles and more than a dozen books and who has participated in many high visibility urban planning projects around the world. Dr France was a professor of landscape ecology at Harvard University and is presently a professor at Dalhousie University where he is a member of the Rural Research Centre. For more than a decade, he has been a frequent visitor to Venice and for three summers he resided there while teaching a course at Ca’Foscari University and conducting research for this book. He has written a number of books, including Veniceland Atlantis: the bleak future of the world’s favourite city (Libri Publishing 2011).